Why anti-racist practice is important in the early years
As children are developing their sense of self and beginning to understand the people in the communities around them and in the wider world, it is our job to help them to do this positively. We need to acknowledge that the wider structural and systemic effects of racism impact children of the global majority disproportionately. This workshop will highlight the importance of embedding an anti-racist approach.
Session 1 - Statutory and Non-Statutory Guidance:

This first session will ground participants and contextualise anti-racist practice in Early Years education by examining the history and development of “race” as a construct. We will look closely at how a selection of International statutory and non-statutory curriculums and guidance can support us to work towards anti-racist practice in our teaching.
Session 2 - Conversations:

This session will look at language and how we can develop our racial literacy. As educators we need to prepare ourselves for unexpected conversations about race as children’s awareness increases and move from a position of fear and anxiety to preparedness and confidence. We will also look at how we engage with families appropriately by ensuring cultural safety.
Session 3 - Resources:

This final session will bring together our learning from the first 2 sessions with recommended reading and supporting materials that you can use moving forward. We will look at how we audit existing resources to help ensure an anti-racist approach is supported in the setting, how we ensure that our practice goes beyond having Black dolls and a range of different coloured crayons and how we move towards a whole team approach to continuously work towards creating an anti-racist environment
Potential Audience:
Early Year Educators
Liz Pemberton
Liz Pemberton (she/her) is the Director of The Black Nursery Manager Ltd - a training & consultancy company based in Birmingham, England which focuses on anti-racist practice within Early Years. With 20 years in the education sector, Liz’s roles have included Secondary School Teacher (QTS), public speaker and up until 2020, Nursery Manager, allowing her to teach, manage, support and educate Early Years Educators and students in a variety of forums.

Liz’s mission is to continue to promote inclusive practice in the Early Years sector, with a particular focus on how race, culture and ethnicity should be considered in this practice. Liz has developed a fantastic network of likeminded educators by sharing her expertise about why anti-racist pedagogy must be a thread that runs throughout early years practice.With bespoke CPD that she has developed and delivered to a range of clients locally, nationally and internationally Liz wants to help the adults who care for and educate children under 5 to deepen their knowledge and strengthen their practice about anti-racism as a series of ongoing, conscious and intentional actions.

9th, 16th & 23rd November 2024

Each Session is 90 minutes
London: 6:00 am | Zurich 7:00 am | Dubai 10:00 am | IST 11:30 am | Hong Kong 2:00 pm

Please click here to check your time for the workshop
USD 350 Per Participant
INCLUDES: Certificate of Participation for 6 Professional Development hours.
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Instruction For Students Grades 3-8
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