Essential Questions are a key element in the Understanding by Design® curriculum planning framework. A good essential question serves as a doorway for engaging student inquiry in “uncovering” the curriculum, leading to deeper understanding. In this session, we will examine key ideas from Jay’s best-selling ASCD book, Essential Questions: Doorways to Student Understanding (McTighe and Wiggins, 2013).
Jay McTighe
Jay McTighe is a veteran educator, having served as a teacher, resource specialist, program coordinator, director of a state program for gifted students, and administrator for innovative programs at the Maryland Department of Education. He is an accomplished author, having co-authored 18 books, including the award-winning and best-selling Understanding by Design® series with Grant Wiggins. His books have been translated into fourteen languages. Jay has also written more than 50 book chapters, articles and blogs, and is a regular speaker at state, national and international conferences. He has made presentations in 47 states within the United States, in 7 Canadian provinces, and internationally in 38 countries on six continents

24th February 2022
This session will be for 2 hours
New York 7:30 am | London 12:30 pm | Zurich 1:30 pm | Dubai 4:30 pm | India 6:00 pm | Hong Kong 8:30 pm
Melbourne 11:30 pm

Please click here to check your time for the workshop
USD 120 Per Participant
INCLUDES: Certificate of Participation for 2 Professional Development Hours
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