It’s not a secret: the children in your classroom differ in many ways from each other as writers:
  • Some of them love to write, while others avoid writing.
  • Some have been writing for years, while some haven’t had much opportunity to write in school.
  • Some students have a deeper knowledge than others of the craft of writing.
  • Some move confidently through the stages of the writing process, while some need help with doing so.
  • Some students know a lot about grammar, punctuation and spelling and write drafts with few errors, while others compose drafts with many errors.
And so on.

How can you meet students’ diverse needs as writers? In this four-part webinar, Carl Anderson will show you how – by studying and getting to know students well as writers, setting individual writing goals for them, and then using those goals to differentiate instruction in 1:1 writing conferences and small group lessons.

During the webinar, Carl will discuss these topics:
  • Assessing student writers using the lenses of engagement, process and the qualities of writing.
  • Tapping multiple sources of information about students as writers.
  • Constructing multi-dimensional portraits of students’ strengths and needs as writers.
  • Setting individual writing goals for students.
  • Using record-keeping forms to track student writing goals over the course of the school year.
  • Using student writing goals to individualize writing conferences.
  • Using student writing goals to group students effectively for small-group lessons.
  • Matching students to just-right mentor texts so they can learn from them effectively.
In this hands-on, practical workshop, you’ll analyze and discuss student writing, including some samples provided by participants. You’ll also watch and discuss videos of 1:1 writing conferences and small group lessons to learn the how-tos of differentiating writing instruction for every student.
Carl Anderson
Carl Anderson is an internationally recognized expert in writing instruction for grades K-8. He works as a consultant in schools and districts around the world. Carl is the author of numerous books on teaching writing, including the new A Teacher's Guide Mentor Texts K-5, A Teacher’s Guide to Writing Conferences K-8, Assessing Writers, and the forthcoming How to Become a Better Writing Teacher (with Matt Glover, Fall 2023).

21st, 28th October & 4th, 11th November 2023

Each Session is for 2 hours

21st, 28th October 2023
New York 5:00 am | London 10:00 am | Zurich 11:00 am | Dubai 1:00 pm | India 2:30 pm | Hong Kong 5:00 pm

4th, 11th November 2023
New York 6:00 am | London 10:00 am | Zurich 11:00 am | Dubai 2:00 pm | India 3:30 pm | Hong Kong 6:00 pm

Please click here to check your time for the workshop
USD 400 Per Participant
INCLUDES: Certificate of Participation for 10 Professional Development hours.
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Online Workshop: Rebooting Assessment: A Practical Guide for Balancing
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- By Damian Cooper
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Online Workshop: Streamlining the Curriculum: The Storyboard Approach
to Engage the Student's Journey
- By Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs
25th January & 1st February 2024