Over the last decade there has been an explosion of interest in how teachers can best build a culture of thinking in their classrooms, nurture students as powerful thinkers and learners, and make thinking visible. These goals are more important in times of disrupted learning than ever. Through their research and writing Dr. Ron Ritchhart and Mark Church have been leaders in advancing this important work. Their book Making Thinking Visible, co-authored by Karin Morrison, did much to popularize the use of thinking routines in schools and museums around the world. However, this has not been without challenges. Some teachers merely use thinking routines as one-off activities or in a superficial way.

In their new book, The Power of Making Thinking Visible, researchers Dr. Ron Ritchhart and Mark Church share their research into just what difference using thinking visible practices makes for students and teachers and how teachers can plan to use these practices to maximum effect. When used powerfully, thinking routines not only provide teachers with a set of practices to engage students, but help advance a broader goal to create classrooms where students’ thinking is visible, valued, and actively promoted. This course will explore these ideas while engaging teachers in some of the new routines presented in the book.
4 x 2 hours interactive sessions with Mark over 4 days. Approximately 3 - 4 hours (in total time over the course) viewing, reading, and planning in between sessions in participants’ own time.
Participants will connect through the ZOOM meetings platform. Participants will need a laptop or tablet. In addition, participants may want to have headphones / earbuds and a quiet space to view and interact. All participants will be issued with a link to the course that will not be shareable with others. Participants will agree to use the video and sound function to enable full participation. The workshop will not be recorded. In addition, we will use Google Classroom to access additional videos, support materials, and to view slides in between the workshops.

Participants are required to purchase a copy of The Power of Making Thinking Visible as a text for the course. The book is available via e-book or paperback through Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon SG, ACEL, Fishpond, or Wiley.
Teachers grades K-12, University Instructors, Coaches, School Leaders, Museum Educators
Exploring the Power of MTV Practices to Promote Deep Learning
  • What are the 6 powers of making thinking visible?
  • What do we mean by deep learning? Using the Making Meaning routine to help us answer this question.
  • What does deep learning look like and entail? Analyzing a picture of practice.
Preparation for next session:Reading Chapter 1 in The Power of Making Thinking Visible.
The Power to enhance our Formative Assessment practice
  • How can we encourage active discussion of text? A text-based discussion of Chapter 1 reading using What? So What? Now What? Routine
  • What is understanding? Exploring the Understanding Map
  • How can we develop our formative assessment practice?
  • What can we learn from looking at student work using the ESP+I routine?
Preparation for next session:Reading Chapter 2 in The Power of Making Thinking Visible
Making Thinking Visible as a Practice and Goal
  • What are the different ways teachers can make thinking visible?
  • How do these practices relate to and connect to each other?
  • What do these practices look like in action?
    • Analyzing a picture of practice.
    • Pulling back the curtain on our planning
Preparation for next session:Reading Chapter 6 in The Power of Making Thinking Visible. Select a routine from Chapters 3-5 that you want to think through and begin to plan for with your colleagues.
Learning to use Thinking Routines to Maximum effect
  • How can we encourage active discussion of text? A text-based discussion of Chapter 6 reading using the NDA routine.
  • What can we learn from teachers who use thinking routines to maximum effect?
  • How can we plan with and learn from colleagues to help us use thinking routines to maximum effect?
Mark Church:
Mark Church works with schools throughout the world wishing to create cultures of thinking in their classrooms. He believes in the difference teachers can make for students when they strive to make thinking visible, valued, and actively promoted as part of the day-to-day experience of their learners. Mark encourages teachers to become students of their students, and more broadly, students of themselves and the choices they make to leverage the power of making thinking visible. He is currently a consultant with Harvard Project Zero's Making Thinking Visible and Cultures of Thinking initiatives, drawing upon his own classroom teaching experience and from the perspectives he has gained working with educators throughout the world. Together with Ron Ritchhart, Mark is co-author of the book Making Thinking Visible:How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners (Jossey-Bass, 2011) and The Power of Making Thinking Visible:Practices to Engage and Empower All Learners (Jossey-Bass, 2020).

10th, 17th, 24th & 31st August 2022

London 7:00 am | Zurich 8:00 am | Dubai 10:00 am | India 11:30 am | Hong Kong 2:00 pm | Melbourne 4:00 pm

Please click here to check your time for the workshop

Participants are required to purchase a copy of The Power of Making Thinking Visible as a text for the course. The book is available via e-book or paperback through Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon SG, ACEL, Fishpond, or Wiley.
USD 400 Per Participant
Group Discount of USD 375 each for a Group of 5
USD 350 each for a group of 10 or more
INCLUDES: Certificate of Participation for 10 Professional Development Hours
Upcoming Workshops
Unlocking the Power of Inquiry through Conversations
for Middle and High School Educators
- By Dr. Steven G. Fouts & Dan Fouts
11th, 18th, 25th October & 1st November 2022
An Online Workshop:Learnership - The Skills of Learning
- By James Anderson
13th, 20th October & 3rd, 10th November 2022
Formative Assessment Online Course - Five 90 Minute Online Sessions
- By Dylan Wiliam
22nd, 29th October, 5th, 12th & 19th November 2022