You will learn answers to questions like these:
- How is knowledge structured and how can we utilize that structure to develop the intellect?
- How can we move to a three-dimensional curriculum and instruction model that allows us to compact the overloaded curriculum, andteach both factual and conceptual knowledge with greater depth and rigor?
- What is a conceptual lens and how can we use it to develop higher levels of thinking and increased motivation for learning?
- How can we design instruction to achieve synergistic thinking between the factual and conceptual levels of knowledge and understanding?
- How do we scaffold thinking to deeper levels?
- How do we develop different kinds of guiding questions to path student thinking from the factual to the conceptual level of understanding?
- What does concept-based instruction “look like” in the classroom?
Concept-based curriculum and instruction is not a program. It leaves the design of curriculum and instruction to teachers, but informs and reinforces quality curriculum design and pedagogy. |
Agenda: |
Day 1
Our changing world: New paradigms for education
- 21st century skills and knowledge
- Coverage centered (2 dimensional) ) vs. idea-centered (3 dimensional) curriculum / instruction
- The Structure of Knowledge and Process: Teaching for deep understanding and transfer - Where should we ultimately target ourteaching?
- Understanding Concepts--Macro and Micro
Writing clear and powerful understandings to guide instruction
Scaffolding thinking from lower to higher levels –
The power of a conceptual lens
- Focusing the topic
- Stimulating “synergistic thinking” (factual / conceptual interaction)
- Transferring to global, timeless contexts
Day 2
Reading and Jigsaw homework
Designing a concept-based unit of instruction: The integration of thinking in interdisciplinary and intra-disciplinary units of instruction
Designing a Unit Web to identify key concepts and unit topics
Writing Conceptual Understandings from the Unit Web - also known as Enduring or Essential Understandings, Central Ideas or Statements of Inquiry.
Designing guiding questions to path student inquiry from the factual / skill to the conceptual levels of understanding: Factual, Conceptual,and Debate Questions.
Identifying critical content knowledge and key skills for a concept-based unit - Examples of KUD’s (Know, Understand, able to Do)
Potential Audience: |
K-12 teachers, principals and assistants, central office curriculum and instruction coordinators, university instructors in teacher training. |
Dr. Jennifer Chang Wathall is an independent educational consultant, author and part-time instructor for the University of Hong Kong.
With over 25 years experience in the education field, Jennifer has worked in several international schools including South Island School, Hong Kong and The United Nations International School, New York and Island School, Hong Kong.
In the international arena, she has presented numerous keynote addresses and workshops about concept-based mathematics and concept-based curriculum and instruction to Pre-K-12 educators. Jennifer holds a degree in Pure and Applied Mathematics from the University of Sydney and completed post-graduate studies at the University of Hong Kong. Based on her Masters of Arts and Doctorate in Educational Technology she also facilitates concept-based mathematics online courses, gives talks about innovative uses of digital instructional media and how to effectively integrate a 1:1 program into the classroom.
As a qualified International Baccalaureate workshop leader ("Mathematical Studies, Mathematics Standard and Higher Level, Concepts and Inquiry in the Diploma Program and Approaches to Teaching and Learning") Jennifer has delivered numerous workshops in the Asia Pacific region. Her role as a field representative for the IB Asia Pacific serves as part of the quality assurance framework. She has been invited to give several talks at the IB Asia Pacific and IB Americas annual conferences.
She is a certified trainer in the DISCtm behavior assessment tool and she is a certified independent consultant in "Concept-Based Curriculum Design" by Dr H. Lynn Erickson. Jennifer works as an independent consultant helping math departments and schools transition to concept-based curriculum and instruction. She utilizes her skills as a certified Performance Coach to facilitate transition and change.
Jennifer consulted for the IB on the new diploma mathematics courses for first teaching in 2019 to develop a concept-based mathematics curriculum model and released four student reference books from Oxford University Press. Her best-selling book titled "Concept-Based Mathematics: Teaching for Deep Understanding in Secondary Schools" was released in February 2016. |
The Rotterdam International Secondary School
Bentincklaan 294, 3039 KK Rotterdam, Netherlands
8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Registration at 8.30 am
on the 4th April 2020. |
USD 720 Early Bird Offer Till 1st December, 2019
USD 790 Closing Date Till 1st March, 2020 |
INCLUDES: Certificate of Participation for 16 Professional Development hours, Lunch and 2 coffee breaks. |
Upcoming Workshops |
Learning, Memory, Questioning and Feedback |
- By Dylan Wiliam |
7th - 8th March 2020
Baar, Switzerland |
EAL Collaboration In CLIL Classrooms |
- By Dr. Virginia P. Rojas |
14th - 15th March 2020
Luxembourg |
Concept-Based Literacy Lessons |
- By Tiffanee M. Brown |
14th - 15th March 2020
Zurich |