Effective Feedback Practices
By Jan Chappuis

19th - 20th January, 2019, London
This workshop is designed to deepen participants’ understanding of how high-impact formative assessment practices can be woven into daily teaching activities. Based on research and drawn from the content of the book Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning, 2e, the session opens with an overview of the Seven Strategies framework. We then delve into preparing students to receive and act on feedback, including preparing students to offer accurate and effective peer feedback. We examine five characteristics of effective feedback and learn how to segue students from relying on teacher feedback to self-assessing and setting goals for further action, essentially providing themselves with accurate feedback. We will conclude with a segment on the concept of instructional traction that is, knowing how to structure assessments to provide actionable diagnostic information.
Topics include:
  • Overview of research base
  • Ensuring that students develop a clear vision of the intended learning (Strategies 1 & 2)
  • Providing timely feedback effectively and efficiently (Strategy 3)
  • Teaching students to self-assess and set goals likely to lead to greater achievement (Strategy 4)
  • Planning instructional interventions (Strategy 5)
The workshop will be conducted with a mixture of lecture and activities to further understanding of the research base underlying formative assessment practices and also to provide concrete examples of how the strategies can be used regularly in the classroom. We will also view video clips of the strategies in action.
The Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning
Where Am I Going?
Strategy 1: Provide a clear and understandable vision of the learning target.
Strategy 2: Use examples and models of strong and weak work.
Where Am I Now?
Strategy 3: Offer regular descriptive feedback during the learning.
Strategy 4: Teach students to self-assess and set goals for next steps.
How Can I Close the Gap?
Strategy 5: Use evidence of student learning needs to determine next steps in teaching.
Strategy 6: Design focused instruction, followed by practice with feedback.
Strategy 7: Provide opportunities for students to track, reflect on, and share their learning progress.
Trainer’s Profile:
Educator and author Jan Chappuis has been an elementary and secondary teacher as well as a curriculum developer in English/language arts, mathematics, social studies, and world languages. For the past twenty-five years, she has written books and developed workshops focused on classroom assessment literacy. A respected expert and thought leader in the area of formative assessment, Jan has presented both nationally and internationally and is best known for her work in translating research into practical classroom applications.

Jan is author of Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning (2015) and co-author of An Introduction to Student-Involved Assessment FOR Learning, 7th ed. (2017); Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing It Right—Using It Well (2012); Creating and Recognizing Quality Rubrics (2006); and Understanding School Assessment—A Parent and Community Guide to Helping Students Learn (2002). Having worked with Rick Stiggins at the Assessment Training Institute in Portland, Oregon for more than a decade, Jan is currently a writer and independent consultant specializing in classroom assessment practices that support learning.
  USD 720 Early Bird Offer till 1st August, 2018
  USD 790 Closing Date 1st January 2019
  The American School in London
One Waverley Place
London NW8 0NP
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7449 1200

Below is the hotel details.

London Marriott Hotel Regents Park
128 King Henry's Road, London NW3 3ST United Kingdom

Please check the below Flyer link. All candidates should simply follow the link on the PDF and secure the rates offered to THE AMERICAN SCHOOL IN LONDON for the duration of their stay. Which you need to send to the hotel directly.
  Timings 8.30 am to 4.00 pm
Registration at 8.00 am on the 19th January 2019.
  Shonal Agarwal

register now
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