This 2-day workshop explores how children’s mark-making, drawing or graphicacy is a form of communication that is capable of expressing, constructing and making meaning with other children, teachers and their families. During this workshop we will unwrap the essential questions that will help us to understanding with more clarity what their drawings mean, what changes or adaptions to our pedagogy might enable more complex ideas and thoughts to arise, and consideration of environments both at home and in school in these new blended learning realities we face.

Essential Questions to be explored and reflected upon include:
  • How do children develop their skills of graphicacy within a context of meaning-making?
  • How do we consider the perspective of drawing that considers drawings as ways of communicating ideas and thinking?
  • How does mathematical thinking arise and make itself visible in drawings?
  • What are the generative and conducive contexts, materials and supports that enrich the possibility of communication and expression of ideas and thinking in practice?
Session 1 - 2 Hours - 15th August, 2020
Time: London 8:00 am | Dubai 11:00 am | Hong Kong 3:00 pm | Melbourne 5:00 pm

Re-situating drawing in a context of meaning-making. How do children learn to draw and its relationship to early writing?

Session 2 - 2 Hours - 15th August, 2020
Time: London 11:00 am | Dubai 2:00 pm | Hong Kong 6:00 pm | Melbourne 8:00 pm

Drawing as communicating. Drawing as developing a theory. Drawing as thinking.

Gap Task
To be set at the end of session 2. What does this feel like for you? A practical engagement.

Session 3 - 2 Hours - 22nd August, 2020
Time: London 8:00 am | Dubai 11:00 am | Hong Kong 3:00 pm | Melbourne 5:00 pm

Reflections and discussions on the gap task.

Session 4 - 2 Hours - 22nd August, 2020
Time: London 11:00 am | Dubai 2:00 pm | Hong Kong 6:00 pm | Melbourne 8:00 pm

Drawing and mathematical thinking. Curating spaces for enriching drawing and being intentional with our consideration of the materials and tools we offer.
Debi Keyte - Hartland
Debi Keyte-Hartland MA is an international consultant and artist educator with over 20 plus years of experience working in community settings including health, social and educational organizations primarily with a focus on early learning, the arts and inquiry. She has worked with schools in the UK, Singapore, China, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Romania, Canada, Brazil and Senegal and she is passionate about creative, reflective and transdisciplinary approaches to learning that involve the thinking and interests of young children.

She is influenced by the schools, values and processes of The Reggio Emilia Approach® and also by systems thinking (Gregory Bateson) and design thinking approaches. During her masters, she researched the creative and communicative approaches that young children displayed in their drawing and graphicacy and the ways of transforming pedagogy and practice to be attuned to their processes and also to create richer experiences for children.

She is an associate MA lecturer with CREC (Centre for Research for Early Childhood) with Birmingham City University, in the UK on the subject of Creativity and the Arts in Early Childhood and an Associate Consultant for Early Education (a UK national charity) supporting early years educators with training, resources and professional networks.

She encountered the work of Loris Malaguzzi more than 20 years ago and it has since served as a pillar of inspiration and ethical reference that continually transforms and shapes her work with children and their educators, family and community. She is a Director of Sightlines Initiative the UK national reference point for the educational project of Reggio Emilia, Italy, supporting the development of the organization, its projects study tours, and its network of members.
2 days with each day comprising of x2, 2-hour sessions each day, with a gap task set in-between. Each day has a week in between to respond to the gap task.

Some paper to draw on, whatever you have to hand and something to draw with.
USD 400 Per Participant
USD 300 each for a Group of 5 participants or more.