Individual conferences are the most important teaching we do with student readers and writers. Though there are separate books and resources about both, they are rarely talked about in the same conversation - yet most teachers who are doing one are also doing the other.

There are many similarities between reading and writing conferences. For example, in both we follow a three-part structure of research-decide-teach; in both, we engage in careful, student-driven listening.There are also differences between the two. For one thing, a writing conference typically involves something visible, a piece of student work a teacher can look at to gauge understanding; reading comprehension happens inside a student’s head, and is invisible.

In this series of virtual workshops, Carl and Dan will discuss the differences and similarities in reading and writing conferences so that teachers may confer more effectively in both.
Participants will learn
  • a practical, step-by-step approach to reading and writing conferences, in person and virtually;
  • conference friendly principles of listening;
  • tips for questioning, assessing, and teaching students as we confer;
  • manageable strategies for record keeping and goal setting;
  • ideas for connecting reading and writing instruction through conferring.
Potential Audience
Educators Teaching Grades 2 to 8
Carl Anderson is an internationally recognized expert in writing instruction for Grades K-8, working as a consultant in schools and districts around the world. A long-time Staff Developer for the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, Carl is the author of numerous books on teaching writing, including the bestselling How’s It Going? A Practical Guide to Conferring with Student Writers, Assessing Writers and A Teacher’s Guide to Writing Conferences. Follow Carl on Twitter at @ConferringCarl
Dan Feigelson has worked extensively in New York City schools as a principal, teacher, literacy coach, curriculum writer, and superintendent. An early member of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, he leads institutes, workshops and lab-sites around the world on the teaching of reading and writing. A regular presenter at national and international conferences, Dan is the author of Reading Projects Reimagined: Student-Driven Conferences to Deepen Critical Thinking, and Practical Punctuation: Lessons in Rule Making and Rule Breaking in Elementary Writing. He lives in New York City and Columbia County, New York. Follow Dan on Twitter @danfeigelson

7th, 14th, 21st, 28th November 2020
London 10:30 am | Zurich 11:30 am | Dubai 1:30 pm | India 3:00 pm | Hong Kong 5:30 pm | Melbourne 7:30 pm
Each Session is for 2 Hours.
USD 400 Per Participant
USD 350 Per Participant for a Group of 5
INCLUDES: Certificate of Participation for 10 Professional Development Hours