The aim of this two-day workshop is three-fold: (1) to consider current trends and issues in bilingualism and language education, (2) to build a translanguaging toolkit for teaching multilingual learners from an asset-based paradigm, and (3) to reimagine equitable linguistic landscapes for international schools with majority multilingual populations.
Day 1:
  • Session I: From Monolingual Mindsets to The Multilingual Turn
    Exploring current paradigm shifts disrupting the way we think about languages, language learners, and language teaching and learning in international schools

  • Session II: From Deficit to Asset Based Thinking & Practices
    Discovering easy-to-implement translanguaging strategies to scaffold learning for emergent bilinguals

  • Session III: From Spontaneous to Planned Translanguaging
    Delving into translanguaging tools to tap into the power of learner talk and cognitive engagement as engines of content and language learning
Day 2:
  • Session IV: Creating Multiliteracy Landscapes
    Enabling translanguaging spaces where learners and teachers collaboratively use multimodal resources to creatively analyze and produce texts across the curriculum as multiliterate readers and writers

  • Session V: Building on the Shift
    Embracing a translanguaging ecology to ensure a transformative multilingual equity agenda

  • Session VI: Making Translanguaging Stick
    Reimagining plurilingual identities for school policies, programs, partnerships, and practices
Virginia Rojas is semi-retired from international-school consulting in which she conducted professional training on effective programs and strategies for multilingual learners from pre-school through grade 12 for EAL specialists and classroom teachers alike.

As a former ASCD faculty member, Dr. Rojas uses the backwards design curriculum model to help teachers design high-challenge, high-support learning experiences for strengthening multilingual learners' second language proficiency and academic achievement.

She provided professional development trainings, job-embedded coaching and demonstration lessons, and conducted linguistic audits of EAL (English as an Additional Language) program. She has worked in over 350 international schools throughout the world as well as with school districts in the US and Canada.

Dr. Rojas is the author of Strategies for Success with English Language Learners: An Action Toolkit for Classroom and ESL Teachers published by ASCD (2007) and of Educating English Language Learners: Connecting Language, Literacy, and Culture (2010), ASCD DVD Series. In partnership with the PTC, Dr. Rojas is the architect and lead faculty of the PTC EAL certification program.

Shanghai American School
Address: 258 Jinfeng Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China 201107
Phone: +86 21 6221 1445

8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Registration at 8:00 am
on the 10th May 2025
USD 850 Till 1st May 2025
Early Bird Offer USD 750 till 1st December 2024
INCLUDES: Certificate of Participation for 16 Professional Development Hours, Lunch and Coffee Breaks.