Two past paradigms in EAL account for the historical practice of English-only policies and practices in schools: (1) it was believed that ‘more and only’ English was the quickest path to English-language acquisition and (2) deficit-thinking positioned students learning English as needing to be‘fixed’ as quickly as possible with the solution being the enforcement of English-only policies and practices. Though well-intended, current research in bilingualism and language acquisition calls for us to utilize the linguistic and cultural assets multilingual learners bring to international schools. This workshop explores the ‘what,’ ‘when,’ and ‘how’ to use translanguaging with multilingual learners.

The aim of this four-session workshop is three-fold: (1) to consider current trends and issues in bilingualism and language education, (2) to build a translanguaging toolkit for teaching multilingual learners from an asset-based paradigm, and (3) to reimagine equitable linguistic landscapes for international schools with majority multilingual populations.
Session 1 explores the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of translanguaging
Sessions 2-4 provides specific translanguaging strategies to be used so multilingual learners can do what previously was thought they couldn’t do in classrooms
Participants will connect through the ZOOM meetings platform. They will need a laptop, headphones / earbuds and a quiet space to be during the synchronous sessions. All participants will be issued with a link that will not be shareable with others. Participants will agree to use the video and sound function to enable full participation. The workshop will not be recorded. Customized resource materials will be made available to participants, and responses to weekly questions will be provided.
Pre-K-12 EAL teachers and school leaders interested in advocating and improving learning in a school with multilingual learners
Virginia Rojas is semi-retired from international-school consulting in which she conducted professional training on effective programs and strategies for multilingual learners from pre-school through grade 12 for EAL specialists and classroom teachers alike.

As a former ASCD faculty member, Dr. Rojas uses the backwards design curriculum model to help teachers design high-challenge, high-support learning experiences for strengthening multilingual learners' second language proficiency and academic achievement.

She provided professional development trainings, job-embedded coaching and demonstration lessons, and conducted linguistic audits of EAL (English as an Additional Language) program. She has worked in over 350 international schools throughout the world as well as with school districts in the US and Canada.

Dr. Rojas is the author of Strategies for Success with English Language Learners: An Action Toolkit for Classroom and ESL Teachers published by ASCD (2007) and of Educating English Language Learners: Connecting Language, Literacy, and Culture (2010), ASCD DVD Series. In partnership with the PTC, Dr. Rojas is the architect and lead faculty of the PTC EAL certification program.

1st, 16th, 19th & 21st November 2024

Each Session is for 2 hours

1st November 2024
Mexico 5:00 am | New York 7:00 am | London 11:00 am | Zurich 12:00 pm | Dubai 3:00 pm | India 4:30 pm
Hong Kong 7:00 pm | Melbourne 10:00 pm

16th, 19th, 21st November 2024
Mexico 5:00 am | New York 6:00 am | London 11:00 am | Zurich 12:00 pm | Dubai 3:00 pm | India 4:30 pm
Hong Kong 7:00 pm | Melbourne 10:00 pm

Note: This workshop will be not recorded

Please click here to check your time for the workshop
USD 500 Per Participant
INCLUDES: Certificate of Participation for 10 Professional Development hours.
Upcoming Workshops
The Multilingual Turn: Assumptions, Challenges, and Ways Forward
- By Dr. Virginia Pauline Rojas
8th, 10th, 15th & 17th October 2024
Online Workshop: Getting Personal with Inquiry Learning (K-8)
- By Kath Murdoch
14th, 24th, 31st October & 28th November 2024
Online Workshop: How To Differentiate Instruction in Inquiry-Based Classrooms
- By Carol Ann Tomlinson
6th, 13th, 20th & 27th November 2024