Innovation in teaching is an urgent necessity. Young people need to be prepared to detect fake news, face tricky decisions with confidence and imagination, think carefully about complicated issues, and be open to new ideas and opportunities. Most teachers know that traditional education does not do this job reliably, but their thirst for new possibilities is being stymied by the strident claim that cognitive science has proved that ‘direct instruction in a knowledge rich curriculum’ is the only legitimate form of teaching. In The Future of Teaching Guy Claxton, a renowned cognitive scientist in his own right, shows just how misconceived this claim is, and opens the floodgates to a pent-up tide of innovation. |
Publication date 29th April 2021 |
So much simplistic nonsense is being touted about “direct instruction” and the “knowledge rich curriculum”, it is great to see someone finally talking sense. A timely tour de force. |
John Hattie, Laureate Professor, Melbourne Graduate School of Education |
I love this book. Guy cuts through the ongoing tangle of arguments about traditional vs. progressive teaching as smoothly as a knife through butter. With a potent mixture of hard science and compelling stories, he exposes the flaws in both extremes and points the way to a compelling synthesis. This book is a must read for educators everywhere. |
Jo Boaler, Stanford University Professor of Education, and author of Limitless Mind |
Guy Claxton’s terrific new book makes a much-needed contribution to educational debate. I encourage everyone who is curious about the possibilities of teaching, and restless for change, to read it. |
Sir Kevan Collins, UK government Education Recovery Commissioner |
This is the book that was crying out to be written. It will resonate with all educationalists looking for a bigger and bolder purpose for education. |
Peter Hyman, co-founder of School 21 and Big Education |
In The Future of Teaching, Guy Claxton provides a powerful which fosters critical thinking and craftsmanship at the same time as building a foundation of knowledge and understanding. |
Ron Berger, Senior Advisor for Teaching and Learning, EL Education and author of An Ethic of Excellence |
What a sensational book - hugely entertaining, informative and readable. A blistering critique of the neo-traditionalist view of teaching and learning: it should come with a box of popcorn, or fireworks or something. Timely, urgent and compelling, The Future of Teaching is a truly epic achievement. |
Dr James Mannion, co-author of Fear is the Mind Killer. |
Guy Claxton is a cognitive scientist with a long-standing passion for bringing the mind sciences to bear on the improvement of schools. His main research interest is in the expandability of human intelligence in all its forms: intellectual, practical, social, emotional and spiritual. His latest academic book is Intelligence in the Flesh: Why Your Mind Needs Your Body Much More Than It Thinks, published by Yale University Press. His research has impacted on education through a series of books that include What's the Point of School?, Building Learning Power, Wise Up: The Challenge of Lifelong Learning, and (with Bill Lucas) New Kinds of Smart and Expansive Education. His latest book, The Learning Power Approach: Teaching Learners to Teach Themselves, with a foreword by Professor Carol Dweck, was published worldwide in November 2017. His Building Learning Power approach has been influential in schools in many countries including Ireland, Poland, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina and Chile, as well as throughout the UK. Guy is a much sought-after international speaker, being a regular keynote speaker at the famous International Conferences on Thinking.
Guy has a ‘double first’ in Natural Sciences from Cambridge, and a DPhil in Experimental Psychology from Oxford. He has been Professor of the Learning Sciences at the University of Bristol and Co-Founder of the Centre for Real-World Learning at the University of Winchester, UK. He is currently Visiting Professor of Education at King’s College London. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, the Academy of the Social Sciences and the Royal Society of Arts. He is married to Judith Nesbitt, a director of the UK’s Tate Galleries. They live in a converted 15th century barn in Sussex, 40 miles south of London. |
3rd May 2021
New York 6:00 am | London 11:00 am | Zurich 12:00 pm | Dubai 2:00 pm | India 3:30 pm | Hong Kong 6:00 pm
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