Join internationally-renowned educators, Dylan Wiliam, Carol Tomlinson and Jay McTighe, for a lively discussion on the critical topic of ASSESSMENT
What are we assessing and for what purpose(s)? What kind of evidence is needed to enable sound inferences for various types of learning goals?
How is assessment supposed to improve learning?
What are common barriers to teachers’ use of effective formative assessment practices in their daily work?
New York 7:00 am | London 12:00 pm | Zurich 1:00 pm | Dubai 3:00 pm | India 4:30 pm
Hong Kong 7:00 pm | Melbourne 9:00 pm
This webinar will be moderated by Nancy |
Carol Ann Tomlinson is William Clay Parrish, Jr. Professor and Chair of Educational Leadership, Foundations, and Policy at the University of Virginia's Curry School of Education where she is also Co-Director of the University's Institutes on Academic Diversity. Prior to joining the faculty at UVa, she was a teacher for 21 years. During that time, she taught students in high school, preschool, and middle school and also administered programs for struggling and advanced learners. She was Virginia's Teacher of the Year in 1974.
Carol is author of over 250 books, book chapters, articles, and other educational materials including: How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed Ability Classrooms, The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners, Fulfilling the Promise of the Differentiated Classroom, (with Jay McTighe) Differentiating Instruction and Understanding by Design, (with Kay Brimijoin and Lane Narvaez)The Differentiated School, (with Marcia Imbeau) Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom, and (with David Sousa) Differentiation and the Brain: How Neuroscience Supports the Learner-Friendly Classroom. Her books on differentiation are available in 13 languages.
Carol was named Outstanding Professor at Curry in 2004 and received an All-University Teaching Award in 2008. In 2019 she was #8 in the Education WeekEdu-Scholar Public Presence Rankings of university-based academics who are contributing most substantially to public debates about schools and schooling. In that same list, she was ranked #3 most influential voices in Teacher Education, Curriculum, and Instruction. Carol works throughout the United States and internationally with educators who seek to create classrooms that are more effective with academically diverse student populations. |
Dylan Wiliam is one of the world's leading authorities on the ways that assessment can be used to improve student learning and has authored or co-authored over 300 articles, books, and book chapters on education. After 7 years teaching English, mathematics and science in urban secondary schools in London, he joined Chelsea College, University of London, which later merged with King's College London. During his time at King's College London, he ran the mathematics teacher education programme, co-ordinated a large scale testing programme, served for five years as Dean of the School of Education and from 2001 to 2003, was Assistant Principal of the College. In 2003 he moved to the United States, to take up the post of Senior Research Director at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, New Jersey, and in 2006 returned to the UK as Deputy Director of the Institute of Education, University of London. Since 2010 he has worked as an independent consultant, advising schools, districts, and regional and national governments on how education can be improved, but he retains his link with the University of London as Emeritus Professor of Educational Assessment. |
Jay McTighe brings a wealth of experience developed during a rich and varied career in education. He served as director of the Maryland Assessment Consortium, a state collaboration of school districts working together to develop and share formative performance assessments. Prior to this position, Jay was involved with school improvement projects at the Maryland State Department of Education where he helped lead Maryland’s standards-based reforms, including the development of performance-based statewide assessments. |
22nd May 2021
New York 7:00 am | London 12:00 pm | Zurich 1:00 pm | Dubai 3:00 pm | India 4:30 pm | Hong Kong 7:00 pm
Melbourne 9:00 pm
This session will be recorded and you can watch the session after the workshop on our YouTube channel
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWAG_In0X5_Mz83t2UxnhA |
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